Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sometimes The Old Must Be Cleared First

Good Saturday morning to you! God's mercy and grace and love to you and your family on this fine day. I watched for a little while as my brother in Christ, Mike, worked with his skid loader to demolish a small house this morning. As I prepared to write today, I thought of how God must at times clear away the old junk to make room for His new project, you and me. God may clear away people from our lives who are a bad influence, or material possessions that have come to possess us, or some situation that overwhelms our ability to serve in His calling. We may not realize that demolition work has been done until much later; God is that good at what He does. What we sometimes don't like is the demolition work that hurts.

Mike put a pair of iron, for want of a better term, wrecking bars on his skid loader's bucket and drove them beneath the foundation of the house. The ground shook a bit and large chunks of the cement foundation were ripped from the ground and from their fellow foundation mates. If we put you and me in the place of the foundation, we might be a bit upset when God rips us away from friends, family, a job, a career, or just a home we have lived in for decades. However, unlike the foundation chunks which will end up in a landfill, we can trust that God is moving us to another place for our growth and His kingdom.

After the old house is completely cleared away, Mike probably has some plan for the space. If nothing else, the space can be used for a small garden. God always has a plan for us when He demolishes something in our lives. Whatever loss you are facing on this day, look to God in complete faith as His plan is unveiled in your life. You and I may go through times of drought in our journey. Did I say 'may'? We know very well that tough times of some sort will come. Things or people we enjoy may be taken or lost in this world. Look forward to that time of unending joy in Christ when He welcomes us home forever.

In the name of Christ Jesus our Lord, live in this day!

P.S. My PC has become unstable again, This happens every couple of years. I should have it rebuilt by Monday, but just in case, I'll send out an advisory today.

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