Friday, June 07, 2013

It Starts With a Seep

Good Friday morning! You know the commands of Jesus: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and equally important, love your neighbor as yourself. However, it doesn't seem that upon careful inspection that your life is producing any love. You look for the spring and the mighty river flowing forth, but nothing shows to your weary eye of perfectionism. Perhaps your love spring begins with but a seep. During a normal season you cannot even tell the seep is there. However, come the time of drought, where all else appears dry and barren, you see a green patch of thriving love growing. It may take a time of spiritual drought to bring forth that little seep of love coming from your new heart in Christ, but it is there.

The busyness of the world may hide our little seep of love too. Duties at work, chores at home, travel here and there, workout, learn, do, be at this place, go to another meeting, we have a lot going on at times. And for some, those 'at times' may stretch into years or decades without a break. The seep of love may be producing, but we just can't see it. We know that to make it into a spring, we must clear away some of the weeds of the world and pray in the Word, but so much is going on! What is important this weekend, more busyness, or to get in touch with the One who can improve the flow of your little love seep? Ask God to help you make time for Bible reading and prayer. You may not think there is time for a Bible study, but certainly there is time for a quick request to God who hears even the short prayer breathed out on the run. We may yet become a champion spring flowing with rivers of God's love!


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