Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Prayers From The Darkside

Happy Halloween to you as the full moon shines down upon us. Early this morning, I thought about our nighttime prayers. Why? Well, because I needed to pray and it was the dark of the night. If you had to pray to me, you would probably find me hanging about on the light side of the world most of the time. Some folks get really spooked on Halloween, so that might be a serious problem for them tonight. However, God is not like me. Our Lord is omnipresent as we like to say in big word talk. That means God is never out of reach. Paul says it this way: "The Lord is at hand, be anxious for nothing."

We are so busy during the day that it may take a problem of some sort to remind us that we should be praying often, inviting God to be with us all day and every day in everything we do. At night, God can more easily get our attention. A little nightmare on Halloween, perhaps brought on by some of those seasonal movie favorites or a batch of particularly good zombie costumes, and we are immediately ready to send up a few prayers from the darkside of the planet. Not to fear, God will not miss any of those prayers. He is not over on the daylight side of the world because He needs to 'see better' as I might do.

What is dark to us is merely the absence of some sort of light, either artificial or created. Our God does not need the sun to see, or a full moon for a short visit to the darkside to make sure the devil isn't up to no good. Day or night the devil is up to no good, God knows that already. Our nighttime fears may cause the devil to appear stronger at night, but he is still under the limits God has set. In place of estimating the devil based on our own fear, we must look to Jesus and be comforted. Day or night we will be under attack from the powers of darkness, and a prayer from the darkside is heard just as quickly, just as well, and answered with God's great power just like a daytime prayer.


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