Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Thought Did Occur To Me

In light of a certain birth anniversary yesterday, let me remind you that a person is never too old to begin listening to Christmas music in October. Today: Francesca Battistelli: Christmas. For those of you in the Junior Muffins division of the AARP, you can purchase this album at various online retailers or at your local CD store. One day Burt hopes to be the Big Muffin in his division, but that could be a ways off. Now, how many of you just thought of a trip to Perkins or some other place that sells your favorite muffin? Well, the thought did occur to me while writing about muffins that a nice banana nut muffin would be pretty good right about now. The power of the written word to influence the author's appetite should not be discounted. On the other hand, when God gathered some folks over a thousand or so years to write down His word, He did not do this to affect Himself. His word, the Bible, was written to affect our lives in a good way.

Most of all, the Bible tells us the good news of Jesus Christ. We do not have to look at death with fear. Jesus promised to prepare a place for us in Heaven and return to bring us to this new place. That is a comforting thought at all times. We also learn from God's story that people just like you and me were called to do great things from speaking before kings to mortal combat and perilous visions of the future. The Bible records all of history from the very beginning in Eden to the ending at Armageddon, but, it also tells us that Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. I like to read all of the Bible, but the stories of people falling down when their faith was tested, and then finding forgiveness and new faith are always good reading. David features prominently in the old stories, and he didn't always get it right. Paul started off thinking he was smart and right and having full confidence in his mission - then he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. God loved David and Paul, just like He loves you and me when we fall down in our faith. We often learn the hard way through mistakes, but remember: God loves you!


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