Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Trust God With Life

Good Wednesday morning! A warm night for February, but we have a high wind warning today. How is that our blizzard warnings can be so far off, but the wind always seems to show up as promised, if not more than promised? Probably a question I will never get a good answer to. Life has a lot of things going on. Even in a small town we seem to be overwhelmed at times with all that life can throw at us. If the immediate environment is not enough for you in your work, school, or family, then any news outlet will bring all manner of dire warnings and events to help with the overwhelming. The government seems to be stumbling about looking for answers to terrorism, economic policy, crime, drug use, foreign relations, and a lot of folks looking for a handout. Those who refuse to believe the word of God also stumble from this thing to that latest fad (do we have 'fads' anymore?) looking for answers of their own. We see the signs of the end times all around us with earthquakes in Missouri, wars in Africa and the Middle East, and rumor of war over the Falkland Islands (again?). The question for the day is: do you trust God with life? Not just your life, but all of life from the things we see all around us to the bigger picture as well.

Trusting in God involves more than just what we can touch. We learn to trust God with all of what is happening to our brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world. We learn to trust in God when the big disasters strike, and when the small things happen to just us. We trust that God's plan is working out in the wars far away, and in the smaller and much less violent conflicts quite close to us. You have trusted Jesus with your eternal destination, why wouldn't you trust Him with everything in this life as well?

To us it seems that the world is spiraling out of control, and to some extent that is true. Anyone who chooses to reject Jesus will believe in most anything, and quite naturally that will cause running from this belief to that faith to that other religion to some pseudo-science until they are simply running around out of control. However, all of that running around does not affect God's final plan, and it never causes God to wring His almighty hands in frustration. We can see many people to pray for every day, but that does not mean that God has abdicated His throne. In fact, we pray because we know that God still sits on His sovereign throne. Today, trust God with life - all of it!

Yours in Christ Jesus,

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