Wednesday, February 01, 2012

The Shepherd Seeks Them Too!

Good Wednesday morning! Hmm, had to think about that one for a bit. Did you get up this morning and tell Jesus that you want Him here with you today? We don't always feel like that. Our conscience might be pricking a bit or we just get up wrapped in our own problems and forget about our Lord. One of the worst things a Christ-one can do is to forget Jesus. Unlike the cat who is inserting herself between my eyes and the computer screen to gain some attention, our Lord does not force himself into our lives. But, He very much wants to be here with me and there with you at all times. For those still refusing to believe, that is a frightening and guilt-inducing thought. For us, those who believe and receive our Lord, we can think of nothing better than to have Jesus right here, right now!

You have most likely seen the news by now that the ACLU has won another case out east. A young atheist felt oppressed by a prayer hanging in her school and sued to have it removed using the old separation of church and state argument. Congratulations to her, the case was won. However, I do find it interesting that when Jesus is not present, then neither is the love. The golden rule of the atheist seems to run more like: do unto others what I want so that I am not offended. Have you ever thought that Christ might be offensive? Perhaps you should.

The world at large is offended by Jesus and seeks to impose its will on those who believe in Christ. We want to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. The world does not want to hear it. A prayer hurts an atheist. Why? If there truly is no higher power, would not a prayer be nothing but a bit of garbled nonsense? Something easy to dismiss and even pitiable? But no, the prayer causes offense and the atheist reacts in pain and seeks to have the hurt removed. Ah, it seems that there is something to a prayer to God. Praise Jesus! My faith has been proven by an atheist! Whatever would we do without atheists and the ACLU to help prove that our prayers are indeed powerful and effective. The powers of the world seek to ban prayer and the Bible? Let me kneel down in prayer and read that book; there must be something wonderful in them. Come to think of it, I'll even pray for the that young atheist. Why? Jesus said in His Word to do unto others what I would have them do to me. And I would surely be pleased to have a young atheist pray to God for me.

Pray for those lost in the world today. A shepherd seeks to find them!

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