Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Payment for my Unbelief - September 29, 2010

Good Wednesday morning! Whoops, emptied my coffee mug already. Guess I'll have to trudge out to the kitchen for a refill. Nice walk this morning, but I was overdressed. I just didn't believe Gordon on MyBridge when he said that temps in Sidney were about 20° higher than in the towns just north of us. I got a bit sweaty under my jacket as a payment for my unbelief. It makes me sad that so many will choose not to believe in Jesus, and will pay for their unbelief by getting way too hot for all eternity. John the Baptist has a similar thought in today's verse.

"He testifies about what he has seen and heard, but how few believe what he tells them!" John 3:32

John has already realized that few are coming to believe in Jesus. I don't think that much has changed in the two thousand years since that time. Many will listen to the testimony of Christ and about Christ, and yet many of those will choose not to believe. I heard some good advice last night on our witness. The minister told us to show love to our neighbors, but to leave the sermon out of it. Too often we feel the urge to tell someone how sinful he is as a way to start the good news of Christ. We could have someone burn the message: "Jesus loves you!" on a 2x4 and smack our neighbor upside the head with it, but that probably won't get them to believe. We would look more like some of those old time Crusaders trying to convert the Holy Lands with a literal sword (spears, axes, bows, et al.)

Jesus brought a testimony of love. God loves the world so much that he sent his only Son to save it. In our day, I have seen and heard this message on radio, television, web sites, in e-mails, by word of mouth, in churches both small and large, in books, audiotapes and CD's, in the newspapers, and you can read it in tweets, twingles, twerts, and twangs...or something like that. What this means is that the excuse about not hearing the Good News of Christ is fast becoming extinct. Almost everyone on the planet will soon have some way of hearing about Jesus, and God's word assures us that the gospel will be heard in all parts of the Earth before the end. That is great news!


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