Tuesday, November 28, 2006

November 28, 2006

Good Morning! It is a great day in the Lord! How often do we want our own way? It is easy to remember that during the season of “I want,” which we see all around us at this time of the year. Wanting is not always a bad thing; Jesus wanted to do the will of His Father in Heaven, we want to follow our Lord Jesus, and our Father wants to give us every good thing. Wanting in the right direction, yearning toward those things which are best for us in God’s sight, seems to be the key. Too often we can think of dozens of material things that we want given to us at Christmastime or any other time. What is gambling but a desire to have a lot given for little spent? We should pray earnestly that our desires come more into line with what God knows is best for us. This requires the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit; the flesh and temptations of the world will fight this every step of the way. The world does not want to let us go. Trust in the saving power of Jesus and remember always His great love for you!


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