Tuesday, September 26, 2006

September 26, 2006

Good morning! Oh that calendar! We look at it almost constantly, live by it, sweat over it, cut it up into smaller pieces, measure ourselves by it, and day dream about periods of getting away from it. The world questions which one to use; Julian, Gregorian, Jewish, Muslim, Year of this or that critter. We argue over the accuracy making little tweaks every so often, leap years every four except those ending in 00, leap seconds every so often to correct to the atomic clock, which is so expensive that it must be more accurate. I hear that scholars think a medieval monk made a mistake in calculations and Jesus might have been born in 6 BC. The Jews refuse to recognize the Messiah, so they call it BCE, before the Common Era. The world uses a calendar, that we already know is imperfect, to point out inconsistencies in the Bible. Does God really care about our calendar? I do not think so, He may get a chuckle over it from time to time as we attempt to somehow control His creation by our measure of time. However, I suspect our Father in Heaven does not worry overmuch about our calendar and timekeeping. What He does know is the time of Jesus’ return to claim the Kingship that He rightfully earned. While we keep one eye on the clock and the other on the calendar, Jesus will indeed come suddenly. Look to Christ, the view will give you peace in the world and love in your heart.

Yours in Christ!


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