When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches. -- Psalm 63:6
Meditating instead of sleeping? Must be David. Why would the man lay awake at night in place of restful sleep? One reason came to me last night, one of those frightening dreams called a nightmare. By morning I don't even recall what it was that frightened me so, but it did come right at midnight. What words of comfort came to my trembling mind? I may be an empty vessel, but my Lord Jesus is a pouring pitcher of love!
There is something about a nightmare in the dead of night, a worry that awakens us at two, or that thing that just went 'bump!' in the night that brings us fearfully to God in immediate and even urgent prayer. That may be the only thing we can do in such a case as the bump is often never identified, the worry turns out to be worthless, and taking a swing or two at the nightmare is just ridiculous. Praise God that He is there for those who come to Him scared as a little child from the nothing of a nightmare. Of course when we are in a nightmare, it ain't nothing!
Have a peaceful day in Christ Jesus,
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