Monday, January 06, 2025

Let That Other Thing Go

My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go;
​​My heart shall not reproach me as long as I live.
  -- Job 27:6

So I was thinking of an anxious time from a few years ago and those same anxious feelings began to rise up within me. Time to put that historical volume back on the old shelf and let it go! Reading from Job in our verse for today, we might ask, did Job truly live a life without sin? God said that Job was righteous, so perhaps he did have a clean past. It is also possible that when Job made his sin, guilt, or atonement offerings, he truly let go of the past and did not bring it up again. Job also knew that his Redeemer lives (19:25), which makes all the difference to us as well. Job may not have known the name of Jesus, but we do. And we hold fast our righteousness, which is Christ Jesus, and He does not let us go. What must we let go? Those forgiven sins and anxious dreads of the past. So, hold fast your righteousness and let that other thing go!

In Christ we live,


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