Thursday, January 23, 2025

Dodging Spears

Hear my prayer, O God;
Give ear to the words of my mouth.
  -- Psalm 54:2

Reading the historical notes at the start of this psalm, we see that David was not writing psalms in a comfy chair by the fireside in a well-guarded palace. The anointed and future king of Israel was in hiding from the current king, Saul. And some people had ratted him out. David turned to the Lord our God in prayer. 

Our transitions of power from one president to the next, noisy as they are in the media and social media, are tame by comparison to ancient Israel. David's anointing by the prophet Samuel did not place the big chair in Jerusalem under his young buttocks. Years of fighting, running, dodging spears, and going hungry would come before David could sit on the throne of Israel. Although God had rejected Saul as king, He didn't remove him from the throne and the power that came with it. David would have to wait for quite some time for his triumphal entry. 

We await the return of the King of kings and Lord of lords. But be ready for some opposition to Him, even though He too has been anointed already. 

May the love of the Lord Jesus Christ be always on your mind,


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