Thursday, October 12, 2023


Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. Matthew 24:40-41

Anytime Israel is attacked we are wondering if this time is that one leading to end times and the Great Tribulation. At such times many who have some knowledge, but do not yet believe in Jesus, will be asking questions about the Rapture, as if it is some train or boat they do not want to miss. Well, yes, they are indeed on to something as the verses here, and those like them in Luke and Mark, all speak of keeping watch and the suddenness of the event. The two verses for today frightened me as a young teen in church since the preacher was not heavy on assurance that I would be in the half taken and not left behind. Those two last words weigh heavily on those who have reason to believe they might be...left behind!

The two verses for today, and the ones like it Luke, do not specifically say where these ones will be taken. However, if we read the preceding verse in Matthew 24 and the one following, both are about the coming of the Son of Man, our Lord Jesus. Therefore, where He is or is going, we want to be with Him, and thus we do not want to be among those left behind. And we keep watch for His coming even as we do not know the day or hour. So unknown, and yet so suddenly.

Rejoice in His coming for the watchful!


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