Friday, March 31, 2023

The King Arrives

The next day a great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out:

‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!’
The King of Israel!”
 -- John 12:12-13

We name it Palm Sunday, and this year we celebrate it on April 2nd. It is the celebration of what Jerusalem thought to be the arrival of the promised king. But where was his army? Those few disciples likely did not have the look of a trained military. Some of them were even known to be Galilean fishermen. And for his war chariot, the man chose a humble donkey's colt. In this moment the expectations of many and the mission one man was on did not come together. The man on the colt would be crowned soon, but it was done in mockery and the crown was one of thorns. Some of those same palm branch holders may have attended Pilate's hearing and called for the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus. How easily do crushed expectations, even wrong ones, turn to anger?

For our part and in faith, we know that Jesus did triumph in His time. He died to make atonement for our sin and rose again on the third day as the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Rejoice in the Risen Lord!


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