Thursday, March 23, 2023

Deceivers In The World

For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 2 John 1:7

If a preacher sets out to make a ministry and does not confess that Jesus our Lord was a man who lived as a human being, John has a couple of tough names for this preacher. Deceiver and an antichrist, wait, isn't that how we describe the enemy, that adversary who comes to steal, murder and destroy? There are those preachers out there who might be surprised by this appellation from John the beloved disciple. Didn't Jesus endure the 40 days in the wilderness because he had special powers from God? Didn't that Devil fellow indicate that our Lord would be caught by angels should he jump off that tower? These we recognize as being not quite right and certainly not what our Lord Jesus said. Preaching God in human form and named Jesus is a step of faith that some refuse to take. And if they preach their false message to the world, then John names them what they are doing.

So, yes, Jesus my Lord needed to wash His human hands when they got dirty. Praise God for my human brother and Lord Jesus!


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