Friday, March 03, 2023

Do Not Come Here!

“Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12

News reports and videos from the big snows in California may be a bit frightening to watch in some cases. However, one news report had residents pleading with non-residents to stay away for now. When some event that may not happen again for many years comes along, we have an urge to go and see it. If we find ourselves in that dreaded group of pains-in-the-neck called 'looky-loos' though, we may become part of the problem, or even make the problem worse. This group of folks are not always wise or prudent in their gawking, and they can clog up roadways that are needed for relief supplies and emergencies. As for those of us who believe in Jesus and His words, we have the Golden Rule for living to help guide us. The interesting way that Jesus put it though places an onus on us to do first for others what we want done to us.

But, gee, I don't always know what I want someone to do for me. Well, that's a different problem to take up with the Lord in prayer. When you and I do know, then we have the path laid out for us.

Have a great Friday in Christ our Lord!


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