Friday, August 12, 2022

Who Is God? Pt10

​In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread
​​Till you return to the ground,
​​For out of it you were taken;
​​For dust you are,
​​And to dust you shall return.”
  -- Genesis 3:19

A couple of weeks ago the focus was on God as lawgiver. When that law was broken God became the dispenser of justice to the lawbreakers. Dispenser of justice being a cumbersome way to write, 'judge'. We recall the chain of blame that came when God walked in the garden one evening and found, or rather didn't find, Adam at their usual meeting place. Adam blamed Eve, not his most heroic moment to be sure, and then Eve blamed the Serpent. God then judged them going back up that blame chain until He came to Adam, part of whose sentence we read in our verse for today. Death was promised in the law God gave for taking from that forbidden tree, and death was granted in the sentence.

Do you feel that urge to question God's right to judge? That rebellion is the inheritance we have from Adam and Eve, our ancient ancestors. That is the human nature our Lord Jesus works out of us by His dear Holy Spirit.

Love and joy to you this day,


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