Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Confusion's Day

Some therefore cried one thing and some another, for the assembly was confused, and most of them did not know why they had come together. Acts 19:32

For a brief moment in Ephesus, confusion reigned over the assembly. It is interesting to read that many in that crowd had no idea why this happened. In our day one could see the news helicopters moving over the crowd, estimating the size, and perhaps guessing at the purpose. However, for a couple of Paul's traveling companions, the mob danger was upon them and they were seized. This could have ended with martyrdom for those two had not a city official stood forth with reasoned authority and encouraged lawfulness. Confusion can be halted in its tracks by authority, and lawfulness restored to its proper place. A concept it seems we have lost in this nation for the past several years. Were those with authority afraid to stand forth? Were they corrupt or weak? We may never know, but lawlessness could be waiting in the wings for its day.

No confusion for us though, for our lawful authority is Jesus the Christ!


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