Wednesday, June 29, 2022

My Opinion Won't Save Me?

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 6:23

God had told Adam that in the day that he eats of one special tree, he would certainly die. Later Adam and Eve would say, "Other than that, what's wrong with it?" And then a serpent would give a contrary opinion. It is ironic that since the fall in the garden, we tend to fall for the first thing we hear about something and give less weight to the second. Adam and Eve went more for the second one because in their opinion what God had said of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil just didn't seem like such a big thing. Their opinion did quite the opposite of saving them. 

My opinion of a sin will not save me either. If I look at one particular form of sin and give the excuse that it doesn't hurt anyone and therefore it should not be a condemning sort of thing, that does not make it so. When I stand before the Judge at the end with my little sin in hand, the angels will likely not send a representative to speak in my defense. "He didn't think that one was so bad, your Honor, it should be okay, right?" Nope, not gonna happen. Salvation it seems is not dependent upon my opinion of a sin. However, the Lord gave to us a strange sort of gift: Salvation comes by way of Jesus the Christ, who paid for all those sins we may take rather lightly. 

Therefore, in place of holding up a chart of the Law and offering our opinions on each one, we simply come to the Savior, say that we are sorry for our sin, and ask to be saved by Him! 

Love to you in Christ our Lord,


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