Friday, April 01, 2022

Snow Day 2022

Have you entered the storehouse of the snow, or seen the armory of the hail,
which I reserve for the time of trouble, for the day of war and battle? Job 38:22-23

Whooee! Looks like no work at work today as we clear out the 36" of windblown snow from our steps and driveways. If the boss can get to his skid steer, he will be helping others get their front doors open pretty much all day today. It's not going to work for even a moment, is it? The Internet has made those April Fools weather pranks a thing of the past. We can easily find the truth about the weather all over the world in a few moments. You may even have other reminders about what day this is before my message goes out. The devotional messages I get each day did not have anything about pranks for this day, though Turning Point did mention that day we expect/don't expect. Yes, April Fool's or All Fools Day would be a great day for bunches of folks to disappear, including some dead ones, but there would be no shout of "April fools!" to take the edge off. If the Rapture occurred today, those taken up by our Lord would still be gone on April 2nd. Being left behind is no joke...

For those who believe, have a great March 32nd!


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