Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Fulfill My Joy, He Says

Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Philippians 2:2

We see the church group gathered during a time of plenty in a town of people of similar backgrounds with similar jobs. Not an unusual circumstance in the world in times past. The minister is happy and his messages cause no heartburn with the elders and congregation. Even the song leader chooses hymns of cheerful music each week. Ah, such harmony in the service, such good times in the church, God is good for sure! 

Then, place a stress on the group. And you know one will come if we wait long enough. The company of similar jobs is sold and the new owners bring in new employees or transfer jobs to a distant place. Gas prices double in a few months due to world politics. These examples might sound familiar. The church cash flow slows to a cash drip, with a few prayer requests in the offering plate where only checks were before. Church groups have faced this many times in history, not all have survived. The real test of being like-minded, having the same love, and being of one accord, one mind comes when the stress on the church group is great. Money is an easy example in our time, but the stress may come in other ways and by other means. Does the group still worship with one accord or does it fall apart in bitter tongue lashings? 

Fulfill my joy, he says. It seems easy in the easy times. We need Jesus to be the center of worship all the time, or the first test will sweep the sand out from under the base of the house. 

In Christ our Lord,


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