Friday, October 01, 2021

Rise Before The Gray Headed!

You shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old man, and fear your God: I am the LORD.  Leviticus 19:32

The mornings have taken on the feeling of autumn around here, even if some daytimes haven't quite got the message yet. This has become normal around here for the late September and early October timeframe as we might set a heat record on one day and then be 30° or 40° cooler within a day or two. The forty degree change on a single day seems to come more in the late fall of November now; like an old person, the season takes a bit more time to get going maybe. 

So, is there some message from the Gospel in this, or are you just going to natter on about the weather and seasons? 

Hey, I'm on the downhill side of life now. Gotta practice for old age and some nattering. Next I'll be repeating stories to you that I've told a few dozen times before and digressing down bunny trails that have nothing to do with the subject at hand. What was the subject for today anyway? 

All those things an old man may do and here comes this old law from Leviticus. Honoring an old man can be difficult at times, some more than others we might say, and yet it was the law.  This is one of those old time laws though that is easy to obey when we follow that second and equally great commandment of loving your neighbor as yourself, plus it takes care of honoring the old women too!

Question: Since I began turning gray a good decade or so past, do I still have to rise before the gray headed? 

Love in Christ this Friday! 


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