Thursday, May 28, 2020

Not A Place To Find Fame

    And immediately His fame spread throughout all the region around Galilee.  Mark 1:28

    There is a social media game you may have seen going around where a person lists five famous people he or she has been within a few feet of, one of which is not true. I'm not sure what this is supposed to prove about a person, but the game itself shows something about me. I cannot participate. Nope, I cannot think of even four famous persons who have passed that close to me in all of my little life. It would also seem to show something about the places I have been in my life as well. We don't have famous people passing by here much, or if they do it is high above us in a plane. (A few miles up does not count in the game, I suspect.) I'm thinking this morning that Galilee was that way back in the Roman times.

    The fame of Jesus spread in a region where fishermen and sheep herders called to each other with a friendly wave, but kings and princes probably saw little reason to visit. That would appear to be the reason Mark takes note of this, probably from Peter, that it was in fulfillment of prophecy and another of those unlikely events surrounding our Lord Jesus. The wise men searched first in the capital, Jerusalem, after Jesus was born. Others seeking the Lord went to Jerusalem first after Jesus had ascended to Heaven. People would not seek out Galilee first to find the ministry of the Son of God. There are places one goes to be closer to famous people, and Galilee was not one of them.

    There are some big churches in some big cities around this earth, but finding Jesus may be easier in the regions like Galilee even today. Seek Him, while He may be found!

Love and grace to you in Christ the Lord,


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