Tuesday, March 31, 2020

You Will Miss It, But He Won't Miss You!

Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. 1 Thessalonians 4:17

We have heard that one among us is so afraid of missing the Rapture of the church that he or she looks to the sky often so as to not be caught asleep or unaware. I have bad news for that person, you will miss it, but He will not miss you! 

There is a predator-prey relationship in Asia wherein a monkey is sometimes struck so fast by an eagle that the beast is killed upon impact. The Rapture is like that in its speed. The event will take place so fast that one man working in a field will be taken, and the other will be utterly surprised. Make no mistake! There is no sense in trying to sense the Rapture of the church! We will be snatched away from this world so quickly that not one of us will have time to do something stupid such as reaching out for some favorite possession in this world. 

Our Lord Jesus is so much more gentle than that eagle, but He does not give anything up in speed. Fear not, dear ones, we are going away in such a manner that an unbeliever standing nearby staring at us will be stunned by the instantaneous disappearance of God's children from this earth. We can hardly emphasize enough how quickly our exit will be facilitated by our Lord. So quick will it be that these words are entirely too long to show that "caught up" our brother Paul revealed to us in his letter to the Thessalonian believers. 

And, I believe with many brothers and sisters that it is coming so very soon! 

Love in Christ Jesus,

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