Thursday, March 12, 2020

Must We Address This?

It shall come to pass in that day
That a great panic from the LORD will be among them.
Everyone will seize the hand of his neighbor,
And raise his hand against his neighbor's hand. Zechariah 14:13

Our little town is out of hand sanitizer this week; the Front Range is short of toilet paper in stores. And tutorials on hand washing have become all the rage in the media. The panic buying is caused by anxiety and not the actual infection, a psychology expert states in the news. Hey, anxiety, I can address that; I have quite a bit of experience in anxious thoughts that never come to pass. I may not have the lingo of a psychology degree, but I do have the hard-won education of experience and counseling. On the other hand, what if this is that day, the one the Lord prophesied through Zechariah? 

If that day has come to pass, then all we can do is spread the good news of Jesus Christ. No expert standing up to shout, "Relax, people!" is going to stop the panic that the Lord sends. No stories from the anxiety-suffering crowd will stem the flood of panic as neighbors both seize hands and raise hands to stop their neighbor's hand. If we must address that day, then our only hope is in the Lord. The Lord God may stop the panic in His good time, or He may snatch away those who believe in Him (and wouldn't that ratchet up the panic a few notches!), but in that day the panic belongs to the Lord and He will have His way. 

Praise God that His way has a name, and it is Jesus! 


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