Friday, December 06, 2019

His Fear Is Not Here

And Abraham said, “Because I thought, surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will kill me on account of my wife. Genesis 20:11

So, Abraham was afraid because he thought they didn't fear God? Hey, we understand something from the Bible! There are places today we can travel to that do not have the fear of God, and we would be afraid for our lives there. We can understand Abraham's fear and why he did what he did there. Maybe the remainder of the Bible is not so deep that we cannot understand too? 

Indeed we often approach the Word of God as though He has made it or Himself completely above our heads. As if, in the person of Jesus, God did not come down as a man and speak with thousands of average, everyday folks like you and me. Did the man Jesus call Himself the Son of Man and go around selecting fishermen, a zealot, a few men perhaps not doing anything at all, and even a despised tax collector as His most intimate of followers? In our age we might expect the Lord to walk over to Pharisee U. and ask to see the best and brightest of the graduating class, but He didn't. 

But what about those parts of the Bible that do seem inscrutable to us? Let us say we do not understand them yet, and go quickly to the Lord in prayer to ask for understanding. I think He likes it when His beloved come to Him and ask for explanation of His word, our life here, eternity, and everything else! 

Have a better day in Christ the Lord!


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