Wednesday, December 04, 2019

From The Heart

They do not say from the heart,
‘Let us live in awe of the LORD our God,
for he gives us rain each spring and fall,
assuring us of a harvest when the time is right.’ Jeremiah 5:24

You have seen it by now, or if not, I have now spilled the beans as they say, but there is a commentary video on Fox News today about Sidney and Cabela's. It would be easy to join in with a lengthy rant, I have more knowledge and experience in the situation than most folks, but I have learned more about that 70 times 7 forgiveness in the past few years. 

When the world wants to toss me back into bitterness, and even provides a name for me to be bitter at, should I so choose, I like to go for verses such as the one for today. "Let us live in awe of the Lord our God." What a wonderful statement to take the mind off of what the world is up to on this day! The harvest will come when the time is right, a statement so useful in so many ways and circumstances. What wonders and joy are in God's word, if only we can learn to turn our minds from the bitter news of the world and get into the Word. What a delight to give God His due by recalling to mind that He gives us the rains we need, and there is that blessed assurance too!

Therefore, say from the heart today, let us live in awe of the LORD our God!

Amen.  Bucky

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