Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Which Wanting Have I?

TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting. Daniel 5:27

The word wanting is found in many places in the Bible, and it is interesting in its scope. Daniel gave the word to a ruler who did not measure up to God's standard in our verse for today. Joseph's wanting was that Mary not be publicly disgraced. Festus kept Paul bound wanting to do the Jews a favor. Later a Roman centurion prevented the death of prisoners because of wanting to save Paul. Wanting, it appears, speaks to the desires of the heart. 

What is my heart wanting to do this day? There's the obvious, I'm hungry and wanting some breakfast. Anyone could easily have guessed that, so what is wanting in my heart that is not me centered on this fine morning? I want to praise God for the lovely cool temperature of autumn mornings and the first few leaves changing to their fall colors. Does not praising God always lift the spirits a bit and take the focus off that too common me theme we tend to have? Yes, it certainly does. Shall I praise God for another day here on earth? Why yes, unless the Rapture came last night and I'm writing this to no one at all today. Of course then I will praise God that all of you have gone to be with our Lord forever!


Rejoice and praise the Lord on this day!


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