Monday, September 09, 2019

The Journey From Birth to Redemption

Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:12-13

The flesh we inherited from Adam at our birth takes a look at this scripture and decides there is too much work involved. That heart we were born with is known in another scripture as desperately wicked. How can such a thing be expected to search for God in an all-in sort of way? Too much work the flesh assumes and urges us to give it up for the pleasures of here and now.

Then, there was the rebirth in the Spirit and a renewal of the mind that began that very day. And thus did the war begin in us and in earnest as the heart of the birth wars against the spirit of the rebirth for possession of that formerly lost sheep.

However, Jeremiah was a prophet. And the prophet passes along to us a promise from God: 

"You WILL call upon Me and pray to Me... And you WILL seek Me and find Me." [Emphasis added.]

There is no maybe or might be in the prophecy of the Lord, and though it was at first directed at and to Israel, the Word moved on to the Gentiles and that, my friends, is us. We will call upon and pray to the Lord God, and He will hear us. What a wonderful promise! 

And that whole heart thing? There is an active promise at work in there too. And as we are redeemed by the dear Holy Spirit of God each and every day, that old heart is being broken up and replace by the new. Trust in Him!


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