Thursday, September 05, 2019

The Midnight Alarm?

At midnight I will rise to give thanks to You,
Because of Your righteous judgments. Psalm 119:62

We eagerly await the trumpet call at midnight, though it might happen at midday, because of a famous song about that subject. Last night, I had a midnight alarm call. I'm not sure how it got set or activated or whatever, but this device of dubious moral character went off at midnight out in my living room. As I cannot quite come to terms with a burglar risking years in jail simply for the purpose of playing a cruel practical joke on me, the fault must be mine. As God appears in His word and in my life to enjoy taking bad, inconvenient, or difficult things and using them for His glory and my edification, I am reminded of a that midnight cry we await any day now.

The ten virgins waited for it in our Lord's parable, and Paul wrote about it to the churches, and we wait too. This event is of such importance that our Lord reminded us to be ready. It is that sudden event that left one man standing alone in the field, one woman grinding the flour, and another with a bed to himself. In the twinkling of an eye, Paul said, we will be transformed and snatched up to be with our Lord Jesus forever! Yes, what better to turn to when awakened in the night but that great event known as the Rapture. Who better to turn to than the One who will bring us to Himself!

Thank You, dear Lord, for that reminder,


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