Monday, January 07, 2019


“Not so! Go now, you who are men, and serve the LORD, for that is what you desired.” And they were driven out from Pharaoh's presence. Exodus 10:11

Some are described as driven in this world and we tend to look up them when they are successful, without of course looking into what is driving them. At this time of the year, many of us have fought the diet battle, and lost after overdoing the starvation bit and being driven to overeat. That is one kind of driving force. Fear can be another driving force and many are driven to what the world calls success through a fear of failure. Sometimes a combination of circumstances might drive a person to a thing. The condition of the world we are in drives us to trust in the Lord and His prophetic promises. Okay, not the best of reasons to go there, love of the Lord would be better, but it does get us going in the right direction.

The Lord uses the state of lawlessness growing in this world to bring many of us to Himself. We didn't begin this journey under the best of circumstances, a driving force for good brought us to the realization that sin had been up to the point of our salvation the main driver in the life we had lived. A different way of saying the Holy Spirit convicted us of our sin and we came to Christ for mercy and to be reborn in Him.

Moses and Aaron were driven from Pharaoh's presence, probably at the point of a spear or sword. Not a fun way to be driven, but that too has been used by our Lord to bring people to be saved by the Christ. Some, knowing that their earthly life was soon to end by the sword have come to confess their sins at the final moments and been saved through calling on the name of Jesus. Surely they might rather have presented the Lord with a life of love and selfless goodness, but like me and maybe you as well, none of us had that available to present as a sacrifice.

The Lord Jesus accepts all who believe without condition. Praise God for that!


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