Monday, July 13, 2015

Where Would I Be Without Him?

Scores of birds roost in the tree outside; it seem that my tree is their chosen one for this year. Where would they be without this tree? Of course, the birds would simply roost in another tree. However, if our chosen tree is Christ, and there we find all sufficiency, safety, and salvation; then every other tree is less than good for us.

Many little birds will find their roost in the money tree. "With this I can buy all I need," the little bird says, "I have well earned my rest here in this tree of Mammon" Another little bird finds his shelter in the tree of professional achievement. "I am secure in my position, high enough above the other birds to be safe forevermore," the bird croaks. Another bird roosts in the tree of intellect, another in the tree of political office, or the tree of sexual pleasure, or many other trees that we can name. Some of these trees may appear to offer some sanctuary, but all are less than the perfection of that tree we know.

The kingdom of heaven is like the smallest of seeds that grows into a mighty tree where all His little birds find the shelter we seek.


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