Wednesday, July 29, 2015

God's Delicate Balance

What do you want? Shall I come to you with a rod, or in love and a spirit of gentleness? (1 Cor 4:21)

Paul asked the Corinthian believers a question, and it doesn't take a genius to guess which they would prefer. None of us like the rod of correction and few indeed would prefer it over a spirit of gentleness brought with love. When we are transplanted to a new community or group, we may want to wade in with the rod of correction. The imaginary feeling is good, all will see our rightness, and easily we fantasize a hero's welcome. However, in this context we may well be that 800-lb gorilla standing off to the side of the little merry-go-round.

God has delicately balanced the community and given to each a special place in it. Some kick harder while others do more balancing. Not all of the riders push at the same time, and some do more as others take a break. The wheel keeps on turning according to God's plan. But wait! The gorilla feels the urge to take a run and jump in with both feet to that small space God reserved just for one transplanted brother in Christ. Obviously, should God allow that gorilla leap, people will go flying and get hurt. The delicate balance achieved over decades may be thrown far off and never recover.

What may be tempting and seem right to us may be the wrong thing at the wrong time. The rod of correction from Paul might well have been the 800-lb gorilla leaping onto the delicately balanced platform of the turning wheel. We might easily fall into that same trap in our thinking. So, Paul asked in a letter which the church would prefer, and likely that was more than enough to get their attention. Paul was their spiritual authority, prophet, and teacher, quite easily able to send people flying with the rod of correction. Gentleness and love are the answers for us, just as Paul gave the choice of those better methods to his fellow Christ-ones.

Have a gently loving day in Jesus!

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