Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is Here! - March 21, 2011

Good Monday morning and welcome to Spring! Well, at least the calendar says Spring on it. I would call it cool and damp outside as opposed to cold and icy, so perhaps Spring is getting started. Some guy with a camera bag went out for the first time today too, another sign that Spring is here even if he did get a little dampish and didn't take a single photo. After the long winter, it's good to take the first full day of Spring, no matter the exact weather, and get out in the morning. Of course, I didn't set any distance records in my walk today. The winter has been long and fairly stationary for me; it will take some mornings before I can tackle the big hill again. We could still have snow and blowing snow, cold and freezing weather, but Spring has begun! Some days in April may not look much like Spring, and the rest of March is always doubtful, but we know from the sun and the calendar that Spring has arrived. Why is this so important when we may yet have winter-like weather? The same way that the first visit of Jesus to John the Baptist was important.

Jesus didn't need to be saved, but he told John that things must be done in order. All of the years that Jesus walked this earth, he was aware of prophecies that had to be fulfilled and he was careful to obey His Father in all things. Jesus' first trip down here to the world accomplished much of what had been foretold by the prophets. His second coming will be like the Spring of Springs to those who believe in Him and look forward to His coming. We cannot look at a calendar to see when that will happen, but we can look at the signs to see when it will start. If you have not been aware of the earthquakes in diverse places then you really have been living under a rock as they say. The wars have been going on pretty much constantly for hundreds of years, so we can know that the beginning of the end has been underway for some time now. Why do I think the end is soon by that?

Jesus told us that these things would be just the beginning of the troubles that will make up the end times. However, soon everyone around the world will have access to the news media. The earthquakes and the wars and rumors of war will be news to everyone at about the same time. You can travel the back roads of most any continent and find the humblest shack with a satellite dish outside. You can travel to the deepest jungles and the wildest deserts and there is a good chance that you might bonk your head on a cell tower if you're not watching your step. The cell towers are not everywhere yet, but each day the world gets a little closer to world-wide coverage. Along with the cellular towers, as any of a dozen commercial ads will tell you these days, is the ability to surf the Internet. It won't be long before the entire world will know of the latest news at the same moment, and perhaps more important to some figures, be able to hear the latest orders from on high at the same time.

Why does the arrival of Spring make me think of the Second Coming of Christ? It does at times seem that winter might be more a reminder of the tribulation of the end times, but for some reason the renewal and green of Spring is what reminds me that Jesus will return for us soon. The first day of Spring reminds me that God knows the date when Jesus will return and our Lord may very well be counting down the days just as we do for the coming of Spring. Look up, for your hope draweth nigh!

Have a great Spring as you think of Jesus returning for us soon!


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