Thursday, November 25, 2010

Grateful Thanksgiving! - November 25, 2010

Grateful Thanksgiving to you! Did you get up and wonder why the house was so cold this morning? Or did you know that the power went off for quite some time last night and kick your poor husband out of bed to fix the problem? Perhaps the lady of the house had to get up because the husband couldn't stand the cold? A whole bunch of folks in Sidney were glad to hear the furnaces come back just before 0600 this morning, me included. The homes were starting to get pretty nippy and it would have been tough to fire up those Thanksgiving turkeys in the dark. We all gave a brief prayer of Thanksgiving for the electric service. I certainly hope that wasn't some sort of plot to make me grateful after seeing my electric rate increase last month.

Somewhere in the middle of your "Black Friday Sale!" e-mail advertisements is this little devotional for Thanksgiving. I hope you will be able to find it! What are we thankful for this morning? Today is the time for that grateful attitude that we call gratitude! I am grateful to God for my family and friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ (and grateful there is quite a bit of overlap in those first two groups); my home and its feline inhabitants (trying not to clinch my teeth on the last part. The cats were picking on each other this morning after chow. Me: "It's Thanksgiving; what's the matter with you?!"). I am grateful for my truck that has served so well for almost 8 years now. I am grateful to God for our Tuesday morning prayer breakfast group, the Wednesday men's Bible study, and our Thursday life group. I am grateful for the sunrise on a cold morning and that we made it through a cold, windy night. Finally, though the list could go on much longer, I am grateful to God that He is God, and for the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. We have much to look forward to in Jesus!

Today is a day to not only be grateful to God, but also a day to look forward to gatherings and social activities. Some will look forward to shopping tomorrow and hope for big sales. Others will anticipate good football games and parades on television. Some of us might have a simple wish for loved ones to arrive safely with the cold and/or snow coming down in many areas of the country. Thanksgiving is just a time to be thankful and enjoy the day, but part of that joy is looking ahead to good things in the holiday season. Christmas is one month away on this very day. I watched two of my Scrooges last night with more to come! I am especially grateful for the warmth of the house and hot coffee this morning since last night there was reason to doubt that I would feel either this morning. Praise God for Thanksgiving, may we have it in our hearts all the year!


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