Saturday, December 19, 2009

He's gonna make your Christmas! - December 19, 2009

Good Saturday morning! Time to hit the trail once more; I pray that the holes avoid my feets this time. We don't always get to choose what happens in this life, but we are more than welcome to pray for anything; Jesus said we could! Do you sometimes wonder about praying for a safe trip, or that a child will get something he wants for Christmas? We all do at times. Should I bother God with this; it seems kind of selfish?

James tells us that "you don't get what you want because you fail to ask God for it. Paul tells us to "make our requests known to God." Jesus told us to "ask anything in my name and the Father will grant it." Are we starting to get the picture here? God wants to know our every request! Notice that doesn't say "demand". We do sometimes tend to make our requests into demands as though God is at our beck and call. Does God sometimes say "no" to a request? Yes, we may ask for something that isn't good for us to have, and God always wants what is best for us. What may disappoint God more is our failure to ask out of fear. "Well, God might think I'm a selfish bozo if I ask for that." Too late, if you are one, God already knows. And apologies to the real Bozo the Clown for this little illustration. :-)

As we grow in Jesus, we will learn to ask for the right things. God already knows our needs, but I think He likes to hear us ask Him just to make sure that we know where all good things come from. The few days before Christmas are a good time to make our requests known to God. Take a few moments to verbalize that request you have been putting off from fear. Request something for someone else too. Perhaps you will make their Christmas!

God loves you and wants you to have the very best this Christmas!


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