Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fleas of Sin? - November 29, 2009

Good Sunday morning! Woo! 18° outside and it feels like 9°! A cold morning, but a great start to the day. What does one little sin matter to us; after all we are saved by Christ and all is forgiven, right? Think of a flea, just one little parasite. A flea might take more than its body weight in blood, but its body weight when compared to the host is so little that even the "more than" doesn't matter in the end. However, one flea tends to make more fleas...a lot more fleas. The parasites on rats destroyed much of the population of Europe back in the day. Which brings us to another problem: fleas taking just that little bit of blood can also leave a little something behind, viruses or bacteria - those little things we used to call "germs". Disease carrying vermin often referred to the little parasites the vermin carried, not the vermin themselves. Sin is much the same for us.

One little sin, that one small, unimportant, surely-that-can't-destroy-me sin in our lives can breed and grow much like fleas. One rationalized sin, one bad habit that we rationalize by pointing out that everyone has them, can become a cesspool of sins. If we all have 'em, then we are all doomed right? Might as well just give up now. Dooooom, gloooom. But no, someone thought of that before we were born. We are all condemned in our own sin, but that isn't the answer, only the question. Jesus came to provide the answer to the question of: how can all sinners be saved? Right, we are saved by Christ and in Christ we live. A part of this salvation is the provision of The Cleaner. We have called him Paraclete, counselor, Holy Spirit, and friend, but something else that Jesus promised is a cleansing of all sin. The Holy Spirit of God is the best at cleaning out those sins we have hidden in the deep, dark corners. Jesus came to bring light into a dark world, and His Holy Spirit will shine light on our little dark fleas of sin that try to hide from the cleansing. Trust in God; He will make sure that no sin parasites are riding on you when it is time to go home.

Have a great Sunday in Christ Jesus!


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