Friday, November 06, 2009

Different, but Similar - November 6, 2009

Good Friday morning! The past couple of days we have noted some of the differences between us and the world. What about similarities? Can we claim a kinship with those of this world? In our human aspects, we are very much the same. I state the obvious when we talk about the need for water, food, companionship, shelter, mobility, and many other things that we need most days of our lives. We also feel something we highlighted last night in our life group; we all feel temptation to sin. We also give in to the urge to compare ourselves to each other. We do have much in common with those who do not yet believe in Jesus.

What do we have in common with our brothers and sisters in Christ? One of the fallacies the intellectuals like to point out is the "us against them" thinking that becomes common in a subset of the human race. The smart folks of this world cannot understand that a group such as ours can be apart, but reach out in love. We are not against the sinners, for we resemble them too much, but in Christ we come to be very much against the sin. Temptation still attacks us daily, but we know that Christ has freed us from the penalty of sin - that invoice has already been paid! We have that in common with each other. Did you know we also think alike?

You may not see it as much in church where we hear the thoughts of a pastor and learn as the Holy Spirit guides us. However, come into a Bible study or life group setting and note how your unspoken thought might be taken up by another in the room. That same pastor might be there, and yet now you are in a giving/receiving setting instead of only receiving. Both worship gatherings are good, but I imagine that a leader or pastor in the church gets a special blessing from hearing and seeing the Holy Spirit move through the group as points of scripture are discussed. We gain a blessing too as we realize that our thoughts and those of our friends in Jesus are moving along the same lines.

In the corporate setting, which I enjoyed some experience with until recently, the group discussion often is more of a contest than a sharing. The college courses try to teach collaboration, but in a setting where all are competing for that raise or promotion, it's hard to avoid the clash of egos that comes with competition. In Christ, we gather together to learn from each other and from the Holy Spirit.

Oh my! This subject does open up the vista of things to write about! However, the devotional is supposed to be relatively short. The novel-length piece will have to wait for my own time. Did you know we had the life group at my house last night? "You? At your house?!" Yeah, not easy for me, just as it is very difficult for me to join a new group or go to a new house. As usual, I share that challenge with more people than the devil would have me to realize. I'm not alone in Christ! However, some brothers and sisters in Christ like nothing better than to join new groups and go to new places. Just as we share many similarities in Christ, so we also have many differences. God will use both to build a great church for His Son!

Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend in Christ Jesus!


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