Friday, July 15, 2022

Who Is God? Pt. 6

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Genesis 2:7

Dr. Frankenstein had a fantasy in which he could give the breath of life to his creature. It is a work of fiction, but give it a try. Gather some dust from the ground, form it into a human shape however you can, and make a couple of nostrils on it. Now, breathe into those nostrils and make it live. We don't even try, because we know that something God has is not ours to give in that way. He made a pile of dust into a living being. By this Adam's children became both earthly, from the dust, and godly, from the Lord's breath of life. Not only can we not breathe life into a pile of dirt, we do not even know how to go about making an eye from this dust. Too big and complex for us? How about one cell? Can we make a cell from dust? Yes, it is still far too much for me too. All the more do we wonder, how did God do it?

Who is God? God is the One who gave us life!


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