Monday, July 11, 2022

A Time Is Coming

Look, a time is coming - and has come - when you will be scattered, each one to his own home, and I will be left alone. Yet I am not alone, because my Father is with me. John 16:32 NET

For much of the time recorded in the gospels, Jesus had this group of people following Him around. Our Lord often went alone to pray some distance from the group, but they were there nearby. Then, Jesus made this extraordinary prophecy that went against the sworn word of His followers. They were shocked, scandalized, with a 'we would never' ready to speak against this serious charge. All the protests would come to nothing though, as we know who would be proven right in the end. Peter even threw the rest of the gang under a bus and said his protest with an "even if all the others..." None of the others went where Peter did with his three denials in one night. And all of us others must learn the lesson they did back in the day. Protesting the Lord's prophecy, though it may speak of a terrible betrayal, changes nothing. Better to spend the time preparing a repentance and apology!

Glory to God! That Jesus our Lord prepared the way for us to return to the Father.


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