Monday, November 04, 2019

A Long Time Waiting

Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt!
Add year to year;
Let feasts come around.

Like chaff that passes away;
Yes, it shall be in an instant, suddenly.  Isaiah 29:1 & 5b

We are in that period our Lord Jesus spoke of in His Olivet Discourse, that time of waiting when people are eating and drinking, marrying and going to weddings, and going about the things of daily life here on this earth. (Matthew 24:38-39). The City of Ariel, the notes say it is Jerusalem, also enjoyed a golden age during David's and Solomon's reigns and beyond when life seemed to go on and on as generations grew up to marry and have children who married and so on. We too have genealogies of births, weddings, and deaths going back for quite some time, and still our Lord has not returned for us. Yet, there is that warning a few verses down, suddenly! 

Jesus said that same thing about His return, suddenly! We have only to wait for it, though the days and years may seem long to us. One day, like chaff that passes away, we will see this life gone forever along with all its pain, sorrow, tears, and toil. Wait patiently and be awake, suddenly will be upon us in an instant!


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