Friday, December 07, 2018

Precious In My Sight

Precious in the sight of the LORD
​​Is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15

When we face the death of one who is a brother in Christ, we wonder what God thinks. I'm not sure why we would do such a thing when in His word He tells us exactly what He thinks about that passing from here to Himself. Precious in My sight, the Lord says to us, as He gathers in one more sheep no longer lost in this world but found in Christ. No more wandering for this one, no further doubts to test his faith, only an eternal union with our Lord Jesus and a reunion with those beloved who have gone before.

It is that union and reunion that give us hope for this brief time when we seem left behind and alone. Neither are true of course as Paul reminds us that the Lord is at hand so that we are never alone, and John tells us that the eternal union will come for the entire Church at the time appointed so we are not missing out on something that has already gone by. Therefore, one day all of us will be united to our Lord forever and reunited with those who have gone before us, and we will rejoice. Until that time, there is a season of grieving and sorrow, and the Lord treasures every tear drop.

In the love of Christ Jesus,

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