Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Holy Zombies, Batman!

Good Tuesday morning! Let us gather for a mystery. Near the end of Matthew, we have a rather remarkable thing going on. "and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many." (27:52-53) Yikes, is this a tale of saintly zombies? Would Robin exclaim, "Holy zombies, Batman!"? I have another question; what happened to these raised up folks? Who believed after seeing one of the risen saints? Or like Father Abraham says to the roasting rich man in Luke 16:31, "...neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead." The Bible does not tell us whether they slept once more, or they rose up with Jesus at His ascension. The Spirit tells me they slept once more. So did they die again like Lazarus, and have to be buried again? Probably so. I wonder who was so hard of heart that he knew the risen saint and buried him twice while still not believing? I find it amusing that in Christ I now have trouble believing that someone cannot believe when presented with such strong evidence before their very eyes. Yet, as we come to the sixth trumpet in Revelation, we are told that very thing.

The lack of repentance is simply stunning after we read what happens to people of the world. They endure the effects after the Rapture, the six seal judgments wherein we learn they know who is sending the judgments, and then the six trumpet judgments and still they refuse. This is worse than an atheist who denies there is a god at all. These folks know there is God, and that He is sending these judgments, and yet they refuse to repent and enjoy His saving grace. But it gets worse, the people also call out for salvation to the mountains and rocks, that they might be hidden from Him who sits on the throne and the Lamb. This makes no sense to those who believe in Jesus.

I cannot imagine the distress that would cause a person to hide in a cave and then ask the cave to fall on him. But that is the earnest wish of those who stand opposed to God and His Christ in Revelation 6:16-17. I wonder what one of the risen saints from Matthew might say to the people in the caves and rocks, if they had the chance? It may be that nothing anyone can say would help them to believe. What a sad story.

Believe in Jesus and live!

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