Monday, January 23, 2012

Psalmier Mondays!

Good Monday morning! I know you have said it before... there is no way the happy, joyful psalms were written on a Monday morning. Perhaps you have forgotten that their week began on our Sunday. Or you don't think they had the modern corporate office to deal with back in the psalmier days. Maybe David asked why his soul was cast down one cloudy Sunday morning upon seeing a line of petitioners before the throne room already two miles long before breakfast. Maybe King David groaned to God for relief upon seeing a Levite headed for the gates with a stack of papyrus more than 2 cubits high in his little levitical wagon. Surely not more regulations from the priests! Right we only have problems today, maybe they didn't even have levitical wagons back then. The psalms have all been written because we don't have psalmy days any more. The world is just too depressed to sing a happy song! How wrong we are.

I find a great deal of amusement when references are made to how simple everyone was back in the day. Perhaps the lack of education in the Dark Ages did produce a lot of illiterate peasants. Spending every day searching for something to eat might take away a person's appetite for the study of higher mathematics or deep philosophical topics. On the other hand, having plenty to eat does not always give one an appetite for the calculus or Kant either, as I can attest. Searching an unfriendly forest for something to fill the stew pot might not inspire the storyteller in a person except in the horror or adventure genres. The problems of today might not be exactly the same as the problems of yesteryear, but then again... people are still people and God has not changed.

Monday can be a happy day just as the Sunday of King David's time might have been the moment for one of the psalmier psalms. The bright sun of a clear dawn streaks across the sky to greet us with the promise of a new day in Christ Jesus. We have the escarpments of possibility and potential surrounding us. All we need to do is take the hand of our Savior and mount up to the heights of God's glory. This day you may be with Jesus in Paradise! This day you may hear the call of a new idea that Christ has whispered in your ear. This day you may have the opportunity to help someone in need, or to spread a bit of the Good News of Jesus Christ. So much good to do, so little time to get it done. Enjoy the dawning of the power of Christ Jesus!


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