Saturday, December 04, 2010

An In-Your-Lifetime Appointment - December 4, 2010

Good Saturday morning! Championship Saturday in the college football arena today. Many important games for a lot of folks going on today. We will have a lot of fun watching the games, but in eternity will the games really matter? Things change in the world. I'm looking at a photo of a bull rider wearing a safety helmet with face mask, while the rodeo clowns are wearing cowboy hats. That seems just a little off, but it has been sometime since I've watched a rodeo. I can see the reason for the helmet though. Think of how many times bull riders have watched in horror as a perfectly good Stetson was ruined by a bull stomping. Best to wear a safety helmet and leave your cowboy hat in the pickup!

Okay, all that has nothing at all to do with today's Bible verses.

No there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. Luke 2:25-26

We know that John the Baptist recognized Jesus, but John was just a baby at the time Jesus was 8 days old. Others at that time had been told to wait upon the Lord's arrival. I find the use of the word "see" interesting here in that, if the Greek word in both cases is the same, Simeon would see both death and the Lord's Christ. I'm not sure about seeing ol' Morty in black robes and holding a sickle, but it appears from this that at least Simeon would be able to see death. Of course, seeing the Lord's Christ is what occupied his mind! Imagine Simeon's delight at being told that after some 4 centuries of silence, he would behold Messiah in his lifetime. I wonder how many years Simeon had to wait? We don't hear about that in the Bible, but there is at least one clue. "Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel." You may see something different, but I read some relief in what Simeon has to say and, of course, a great joy in seeing and holding the baby Messiah. Simeon may have been serving in the temple for quite a few years before Mary and Joseph arrived. He may have been tested in his faith and even entertained a few thoughts about giving up at times. Simeon may have waited decades for this timely arrival.

John the Baptist grew and then waited in the wilderness for the arrival of Jesus, Israel waited centuries from the last prophets, until John arrived and announced Jesus. The church has waited about 2,000 years now and we continue to believe that Jesus will appear at any moment. The important thing in all this waiting is that Jesus did arrive the first time and no doubt he was right on time. It can be hard to wait when you don't know how long the waiting will be. Imagine getting an appointment card from the doctor's office that only gave you the week of your appointment. You report promptly at 0800 on Monday and the nurse points you to a chair in the waiting room. No day, no time, just wait there until your appointment arrives. Of course, in this time of rushing about we would have a tendency to go nuts at such treatment. Imagine how them city folks would react! Simeon received a similar appointment card, only his was for a lifetime. "How long will that be, Lord?" Simeon might have asked, and he might just have heard the sound of silence in response to his question. Jesus said, "I am coming soon!" near the end of His Word, we can ask how long that will be, but I don't think God has told anyone. Enjoy the wait, we may have an in-your-lifetime appointment card too!

Have a great Christmas season!


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