Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Did They Change Scripture?

And He said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which is translated, Sent). So he went and washed, and came back seeing.  John 9:7

Oh, they did it! Perhaps it was inevitable, but the popular show about Jesus and His twelve disciples, The Chosen, made a change in portraying the event referenced by our verse for today. No Siloam? Yes, the pool of Siloam seems to have lost its moment of screen time, replaced by a humble bucket. With the bucket beside him in the show, the blind man of no name doesn't get to do his 'went' and 'came back' actions either. It tends to compress the event, and maybe the running time of the episode is why they chose to do it that way. But, but, change scripture?! Well may we shudder at the thought! The question that comes from this portrayal might be, "How is your faith now, believer?" 

As for me, my faith remains strong in Jesus. The healing of the man's sight remains the important part of this incident in our Lord's ministry. How he then 'saw' better than those blind guides, the Pharisees, also remains important. Is this then our moment to choose the Pharisee way or to follow the Lord? Do we shake fists and shout in protest over the change, or do we remember the Son of God, Jesus, and His healing of that blind man He loved? 

Can your faith remain in Him after a little scriptural slap?


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