Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Christmas Breadcrumbs

So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, from David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the captivity in Babylon until the Christ are fourteen generations. Matthew 1:17

Interesting, but just how important is this symmetry of generations really? Well, it delighted Matthew after he wrote down this long list of generations going back to Abraham, and that gives us a breadcrumb along Matthew's trail to follow to the man. As we read the Christmas story and pass along the bits that delight us, we too leave a trail of Christmas breadcrumbs telling something of ourselves. You may have noticed that I like to pass along the awesome surprise of those shepherds watching their flock by night. "See, it's good news, Avi, quit shaking and let's go to Bethlehem!" Yes, I like that something capable of inducing such fear brings only good news, happy news, and long awaited tidings to those serving in a most humble occupation. The pretty celebrities and swell royals of the time probably had little or nothing to do with those shepherds. God sent His messengers out to the field though and not to the palaces of the land to announce the birth of His Son. And at this time from a distant land, some observant wise guys are on the way to see the newborn King too!

Have a happy Christmas!


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