Thursday, April 13, 2023

Adventures of the Night

My heart wavered, fearfulness frightened me;
​​The night for which I longed He turned into fear for me.
  -- Isaiah 21:4

Once in a while I am reminded that I have neither outgrown nor out reasoned nightmares. Easter morning was once such example, and though the fearful image left quickly the physical reaction hung on for a bit. Isaiah seems to have enjoyed a similar thing in our verse for today. It is instructive for us that his fearfulness frightened him. FDR said a similar thing in his first inaugural address, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Isaiah continues how the night he longed for had been turned into fear by the Lord's vision that was sent to him. We like sleep at night, but sometimes it is taken from us by fear. For Isaiah it was to serve the Lord's purpose in prophecy. For us, well, why should we think the Lord cannot use it for good too? I wonder how many of the saints got up to read Matthew 27 & 28 at 0045 on Easter morning still quacking in their boots from a nightmare like I did? And behold, he maketh the sound of a duck in his spelling in place of the quaking like he should!

God bless and keep you in perfect courage this day!


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