Friday, May 24, 2019

Renewal in Repentance

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
​​And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

A famous verse from a psalm of David when he was loaded with guilt from what today would be called something like 'Bathsheba-gate'. Good heavens that is weak, it must be before breakfast early in the morning toward the end of the week. Yes, the weakness in the week is me!

Like most of us, David had a weakness for sin. The man after God's own heart was king and such a scandal as can hardly be believed came from his actions toward Bathsheba and her husband Uriah the Hittite. It would have consequences throughout his life. Yet, when presented with the scarlet color of his sin by Nathan, David repented and asked for renewal. "Renew a steadfast spirit within me," David asked of the Lord, for there was no one else David could turn to in his guilt and shame.

We also have sins that are too great for us. Whether in thought or in deed, those sins seem almost incredible in their depravity as the waves of guilt wash over us. What was I thinking? How did I get there? we might ask as the prophet of the word points the finger right at the filthy heart from which the sin came. We too must come to the Lord and ask as David did for a clean heart and a steadfast spirit within.

Memorial Day weekend is upon us, rejoice in the Lord Jesus!


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