Monday, November 30, 2015

The Knots in My Rope

We have many fine opportunities to get knots in our rope in this age. Not that folks back in the day had it easy or anything, but we have perhaps too many means of getting bad news. Each message can bring more bad news until we have one big knotted-up rope. The voice of the old man wants to cry and whine, and maybe stick in an 'unfair!' here and there. The old man thinks that God is mean and feels that grumbling ought to do the trick. But we don't live in the Spirit without a new voice rising up to contest what that old sinner says.

Love reminds us that God is anything but mean and does not need to tie knots in our line to bring us to sanctification. However, since we have labored to tie some of the knots and the world has provided many others: the voice of faith in Christ says that those knots have a purpose, and that though our loving God did not cause them He can certainly use them for our good. Faith reminds us that God will untie those knots at just the right time.

The start of the Christmas season is a real knot-tying time for many of us. Our Adversary does not want any of God's children to enjoy this time. A time of joy and renewal for Christ-ones is not in the world's plan for us, but it is God's plan and ways that bring us joy and peace. We don't always know or notice all the ways small and great our God is working for us and in us daily for our sanctification. We do get the reason for the season though!

Have a very wonderful and merry Christmastime in the love of Christ!


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